A British Passport issued on the day of Japan’s Invasion of Thailand
Passport Japan’s Invasion Thailand
Desraj was born in 1908 in the fertile plains of Punjab, India. Raised in a family of traders, he grew up with a keen understanding of commerce and travel, skills that would serve him well in a life marked by journeys across continents. By the time he reached adulthood, Desraj had established himself as a successful trader, dealing in textiles and spices, and his business frequently took him beyond the borders of India.
In late 1941, Desraj found himself in Bangkok, where his trade had brought him to the bustling markets of Thailand. It was a time of uncertainty in the world, with tensions escalating across Asia as World War II spread. Desraj had been in Bangkok for some time, working to expand his trading network, but with the political climate growing increasingly unstable, he knew he needed to prepare for anything.
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