Safe Conduct 1456 for a Jewish Physician
This Episcopal letter of protection and escort (Safe Conduct) for the Jewish physician Heilman, dated May 24, 1456, is an exceptional document. Such “passports” from the 15th century are extremely rare and only very few collectors have such a document in their collection. Let’s take a closer look… Safe Conduct Jewish Physician
Preliminary remark Safe Conduct Jewish Physician
The Würzburg prince-bishop Johann III von Grumbach (reigned 1455-1466) came from a noble family that was free of the empire and played an important role in the history of Franconia. In contrast to his last two predecessors and his direct successor Rudolf II von Scherenberg (r. 1466-1495), Bishop Johann III pursued a moderate, if not tolerant, policy towards the protectorate Jews of the high monastery.
It is a problematic cliché that Jews in particular were sought-after doctors in the Middle Ages. However, they were far less influenced by the magical-occult customs of popular piety than their Christian neighbors, and at that time they still had easier access to the superior medical educational institutions of the Muslim world. The strict religious hygiene laws (kashrut) gave Jewish doctors additional advantages over their Christian colleagues.
It is possible that, as is so often the case, the profession and religious affiliation were combined, turning the “Jewish doctor” into a “Jewish doctor” with a derogatory undertone. However, it could also be that Heilmann was the official physician of the Würzburg Jewish community. This is supported by the fact that Johann III explicitly emphasized the doctor’s necessary travels within the Hochstift and the obvious respect that Heilmann enjoyed with the powerful prince-bishop. In any case, the “Verspruch Brive” was not a letter of protection in the true sense of the word, as these always contained the annual protection sum and the specified place of residence. Rather, it was a “Salva Guardia”, a comprehensive letter of safe conduct from the sovereign that guaranteed far-reaching support.
Original Document Text Safe Conduct Jewish Physician
Ein verspruch brive. Heilmann Judenartzt
Wir Johannes von gotes gnaden Bischoff zu Wirtzburg und Hertzoge zu Frannckenn lassen wissen allermenniglich fur welche dieser unser brieff kompt Das wir disen geinwertigen Heilman Judenarzt In unsernn verspruch Schutz und Schirm genomen und entpfangen haben bis uff unnser widerruffung also das er mit sampt seiner habe allenthalben In unserm Stiefft und gebiete nach seiner notturfft wider und fure wandern moge und neme In darein In crafft ditzs brieffs ongeuerde. Safe Conduct Jewish Physician
Hirumb so biten wir alle und igliche die vmb unsern willen thun und lassen wollen und begeren von den Unsern ernstlichst das Ir Im von Unseren wegen gunst furdernus und guten willen beweysen und ob sich ymants understünde yn zu beleydigen oder zu beschedigen des nicht gestatten Sundern nach ewern vermogen dofur sein wollet. Das wollen Wir auch einem Iglichen nach seinem statte Ime beschulden und in allem gut Erkenne. So tunn uns die Unsernn doran zu sündern dancke.
Zu urkunde ist Unnser Insigel zu rucke auff diesen brieff gedruckt, der geben ist am Montag nach Trinitatis Anno dom. 56.
Translation Safe Conduct Jewish Physician
A Verspruch Brief for the Jewish Physician Heilmann.
We John by the Grace of God, Bishop of Würzburg and Duke of Franconia, let all people to whom this letter of ours comes know that we have taken and received this present Jewish physician Heilmann into our promise, protection and shield until our revocation in such a way that he and his possessions may wander everywhere in our monastery and [sovereign] territory as it is necessary for him for and against and that no one may touch him in this by virtue of this letter.
Therefore we most earnestly ask all of you and all those who do and do not do for our sake to show him favor, encouragement and good will on our account, and if no one would be inclined to insult or harm him, not to allow this, but to be careful to the best of your ability. We also want to impose this on everyone according to his position and make it quite clear. In this way, Our own do it for the gratitude of sinners [for the salvation of the souls of the deceased].
In witness whereof our seal is impressed on the back of this letter, which is given on Monday after Trinity [May 24] in the year of our Lord 1456.
The Document Safe Conduct Jewish Physician
The oldest travel document in my collection is from 1646, which you can see here – Duchess of Hesse 1646.
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