Stasi Spy and CIA Double Agent Werner Stiller

Werner Stiller (* August 24, 1947, in Weßmar; † December 20, 2016, in Budapest) was a German agent and defector. From 1972 to 1979 he was a full-time employee of the Ministry of State Security (MfS) of the GDR, last in the rank of first lieutenant. He decided to defect to the Federal Republic and offer himself to the Federal Intelligence Service (BND), from which he received the code name “Machete.” His escape from the GDR to the West in 1979 with numerous secret documents is still considered one of the most spectacular espionage cases in the Cold War.
He arrived with two suitcases full of secret files and became a star in the West: Stasi spy Werner Stiller is the GDR’s best-known defector – and became a model capitalist with the help of the CIA. Double Agent Werner Stiller
When Werner Stiller breaks into his own office at night, it is snowing in East Berlin. He quietly creeps through the corridors, cracks open a filing cabinet, and packs two suitcases full of top-secret documents. Then he drives back to his family. The next morning, he kisses his two small children on the forehead, tells his wife he loves her – and disappears. Stiller did not work for just any company, but for the Ministry of State Security, Department A, responsible for foreign espionage, area: nuclear and space espionage. He worked there for ten years as a senior officer for the Stasi.
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