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German Photographer Hilmar Pabel
Hilmar Pabel (* 17 September 1910 in Rawitsch, Province of Posen) was a German journalist, photographer, and initiator of the Red Cross’s search for children…

A well-traveled German Passport
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Celebrity Passport Auction Results
This is the excerpt of the password protected post.

German Soldier Diary – American Revolution
Not a passport but a long and thrilling diary of a German soldier during the American Revolution. With a detailed account of front-line combat at…

Boy Scout Special Passport (USA) 1947 – Super Rare
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A Queens Messenger by LTC Kimmins
Queens Messenger LTC Kimmins The Secret Lives of Queen’s Messengers: Guardians of Diplomatic Secrets Queens Messenger LTC Kimmins For most travelers, flying business class around…