One of the last Seaman Books of East Germany
I am delighted to acquire a 1987 GDR Seaman book, a relic from one of the final years of its issuance, including a maritime journey to Cuba. What adds an intriguing dimension to this discovery is the booklet’s inner cover page, adorned with a distinctive label. Seaman Books East Germany
Remarkably, there is an over imprint on this 64-page document, “Bundesrepublik Deutschland,” besides the original “Deutsche Demokratische Republik” underscoring the unique historical context of this East German seaman identification.
Maritime Journeys Seaman Books East Germany
A total of seven journeys are recorded. 1987 to Cuba and the other were domestic. Going from Rostock to Cuba with a technical ship, not a cruise ship, was surely a challenge.
Details of the German Unification Contract
Seemannsamtsverordnung vom 21. Oktober 1981 (BGBl. I S. 1146) mit folgender Maßgabe: Die nach den bisherigen Vorschriften der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik ausgestellten Musterrollen sind spätestens ein Jahr und die gültigen Seefahrtsbücher spätestens drei Jahre nach Wirksamwerden des Beitritts zu schließen und durch Seefahrtbücher und Musterrollen nach dieser Verordnung zu ersetzen. Die Seemannsämter bringen auf Antrag in diesen Dokumenten einen Vermerk an, aus dem ihre einstweilige Gültigkeit im Sinne dieser Verordnung hervorgeht. Seaman Books East Germany
English translation
Seemannsamtsverordnung of October 21, 1981 (BGBl. I p. 1146) with the following proviso: The muster rolls issued in accordance with the previous regulations of the German Democratic Republic shall be closed no later than one year and the valid seaman’s books no later than three years after accession takes effect and replaced by seaman’s books and muster rolls in accordance with this Ordinance. Upon request, the Maritime Offices shall make a note in these documents indicating their temporary validity in accordance with this Ordinance.
The Seaman’s Book
Conclusion Seaman Books East Germany
I learned something new. Passports were valid until 12/31/1995 but Seaman books only until 10/01/1993. And on request, as mentioned above, a special note could be attached on the validity of Seaman books. This was not the case for passports.
In my collection I have a few seaman books. The earliest one is from 1952 and the one displayed here the latest one from 1987. By the end of the 1980s, the Seaman’s office in Rostock retracted most of those books and issued the following statement.
“We still have GDR seamanship books that were confiscated at the end of the 1980s. If there is anyone who had to hand in their seaman’s book, they are welcome to ask us if we still have it.”
For more information, please visit the website Seeleute Rostock e.V.
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