Unique: British Palestine Passport with Israel Stamps
This double passport is significant (passport) history and never seen before – and it’s FOR SALE! British Palestine Passport Israel
Its bearer was not just a seasoned traveler, but also this passport is including one of the earliest visas/stamps from the newly established State of Israel! These stamps, dated just 4 days after its foundation (check page 6), are a testament to a wealth of fascinating visas!
Meet Edgar “Shlomo” Frigyes, a student at the age 21 when the British Palestine passport was issued in Jerusalem on 6 April 1945. Edgar was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany and lived in Haifa.
His two passports are attached together, sealed together by the issuing authority. There are plenty of visas from France, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Switzerland, Italy, AMG visa with revenue stamp issued in Rome.
The latter passport was issued at the High Commission for Palestine in Rome in March 1948. Under the British Mandate (1920-1948), the whole region was known as Palestine. British Palestine Passport Israel
At that time, Shlomo lived in Rome. Especially, this passport holds the early State of Israel visas, stamped as early as 18 May 1948. The State of Israel was founded on 14 May 1948.

Interestingly, the stamp was originally, “Seen on departure PALESTINE customs – Haifa airport, but Palestine was overwritten by ISRAEL.” The exit stamp from 19 May 1948 is completely handwritten “STATE OF ISRAEL”. British Palestine Passport Israel

It’s obvious that at this time, days after the Israeli state was founded, no sufficient stamps were available. Page 12 shows not only one of the first “State of Israel” stamp, but also one of the very first consular stamps – here the consulate in Rome.
Here are some more selected examples of Shlomo’s unusual double passport. British Palestine Passport Israel
Passport-collector.com is an extensive online platform dedicated to the study, preservation, and appreciation of passport history. Founded in 2010 by passport history expert & author - Tom Topol, the site offers a wealth of educational articles and resources that explore the origins and evolution of passports, their historical significance, and the impact of global events on travel documentation. With over 950 meticulously researched articles, Passport-collector.com not only serves as an essential repository for collectors and historians but also provides insights into the role of passports in shaping national identity and cultural heritage. Passport history, vintage passport collector, collectible documents, travel history, i94 travel history, passport collection, passport, diplomatic passport, passport office, famous people passports, celebrity passports, vintage passport, travel document, vintage passports for sale, old passports for sale, value of old passports, Reisepass, passport fees,